Biological insights and healthcare advances

Meet & Match | Gender Medicine

Thursday, November 28th, 2024

BioValley France and BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH organize the 22th joint Meet&Match event focused on Gender Medicine: biological insights and healthcare advances. This all day long French-German event will be punctuated by a keynote lecture, inspiring conferences, a short presentation session dedicated to innovative organizations and networking sessions.


En détail

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Lieu et adresse

Strasbourg (France)


Type d’évènement

Meet & Match - networking, partnering & pitch

Date limite d’inscription

21 novembre 2024


The event will be held in english


Free of charge

A great opportunity:

01. find out about issues related to gender differences;

02. to know more about current advances in Gender Medicine;

03. to speak about your organization during the short presentation sessions;

04. to generate new european partnerships.


A topic in the middle of many diseases

Gender Medicine is a medical specialty that studies the influence of gender on health and disease. It concerns basic research, prevention, diagnosis, disease manifestation and progression, as well as treatment. Indeed, several diseases manifest and affect differently women and men such as cardiovascular diseases, psychiatric diseases, auto-immune diseases (and the list goes on). Today, there is not enough data on these differences and thus, too often, gender is not considered in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.

Our Meet & Match networking event will focus on gender medicine, from biological research to patient treatments. Presentations from experts working in different areas will provide insights into biological aspects of gender medicine and advances in the patient healthcare.

Take the floor & present your organization!

We offer you an opportunity to speak about your research group or company active in Gender Medicine to enable intense networking opportunities:

  • the call for submissions of a 3-minute short presentation is open until November 12th. Apply via the registration form below to present your entity at the event.
  • The organizers will announce the selected entities the week of November 18th. The number of short presentations is limited and the event mainly targets academics & biotechs.
  • If you are selected, you will can send your presentation (2-3 slides | PDF document) until November 21th.
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meet-match-gender-medicine-28-novembre-november-franco-german-allemand-biological-event-health (1)

Program coming soon!

For more information


BioValley France:

Agnès Legoll, External Relations Director: | +33 6 80 26 52 02

Charline de Montigny, Biotech Innovation Project Officer: | +33 7 88 05 85 02

Communication | Marie Basler, Digital Project Manager: | +33 6 08 93 37 75

BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH: 

Romy Wentenschuh, Project Manager: | +49 (0) 711 218185 79

Larissa Ketterer, Project Manager: | +49 (0) 711 218185 49.


Add the event to your calendar after completing the registration form below

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S'inscrire à l'événement

  • For example: Association, Company (Startup...), Academics...
    Do you suffer from food allergies or have a special diet? Don't hesitate to let us know by e-mail:
    The call for submissions of a 3-minute short presentation is open until November 12th. The organizers will announce the selected entities the week of November 18th. The number of short presentations is limited and the event is aimed at research institutions or companies that are active in research and development or production.
  • Ce champ n’est utilisé qu’à des fins de validation et devrait rester inchangé.